Welcome to Positive Living Coaching!

Creating A Happy Home Begins With You

You have everything you need inside to change your perspective and be the person you want to be.

Silence your inner critic

Make decisions confidently

Manage your emotions during conflict

Accept yourself where you are

You CAN stop self-sabotaging your life.

You CAN remain calm in the midst of chaos and embrace what life throws at you. 

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Having a lowered sense of confidence or self-worth is very common. This can be especially true if you care for others or have never truly believed that you deserve happiness.


If you can answer yes to some of the questions below, don't worry. Millions of people are feeling the same way. It's often due to lack of awareness we have to our own thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and actions. 


  • Do you feel like life is so overwhelming, that you can’t catch a break?
  • Do you feel like the same things keep “happening” to you?
  • Are you holding on to resentments?
  • Are you overly critical of yourself?
  • Do you often question your own decisions?
  • Do you feel like you are living someone else’s life, and not living authentically?
  • Have you ever thought that you could be passing on negative family behaviors to your children?
  • Are you ready to break the cycle
  • Would you like to develop healthy coping mechanisms to handle what life throws at you?
  • Are you ready to improve your outlook on life? 

Self-awareness is the first and most important skill to learn. Being self-aware can help you improve all aspects of your life; relationships, self-care routines, parenting, and even at your job.


Your overall outlook will naturally improve. 

Hey There!

I am here to help you organize your thoughts and vocalize some of the things that may be holding you back from living an authentic and fulfilled life.

I'm Holli Howard, Founder of Positive Living Coaching. I am a professionally trained, certified, and experienced Parent Coach & Educator with a focus on helping adults build awareness of what it is they truly want for their life & family and teach them how to get there.

I understand the profound importance of raising emotionally healthy children. During my work in the field of child welfare, I have learned that we either repeat the lessons we've been taught... or we do the exact opposite. I want to help you find the balance.

As you go through the coaching program, you will develop strategies that improve your self-worth and promote your well-being. You will learn how gratitude can improve your outlook on life. You will gain self-awareness to identify what is holding you back. You will have the tools to increase your confidence and strengthen your resilience. You will understand how your past does not determine your future. You will be able to release your hurt and anger to move ahead building the life you really want.

When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.  

There are concrete ways to become emotionally healthy and start really loving yourself. 

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” 

~Thich Nhat Hanh



“You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.”~ Wayne W. Dyer

External factors that may be holding you back

  • You lacked a role model growing up to teach you what self-love looks like
  • Home life could have been chaotic and you have just be surviving, not thriving
  • Your dreams were never supported
  • You focus all your energy on caring for others
  • Your career has kept you from learning more about yourself
  • You're not supported at home

Internal Factors that affect your ability to move forward

  • The way you talk to yourself or about yourself is negative
  • You never learned how to set healthy boundaries for yourself
  • Regret, resentment, and fear have you paralyzed from getting out of your comfort zone
  • The idea of self-care is last on your priority list (this means that YOU are last on your priority list)
  • Trouble balancing marriage, home, work, and kids
  • You don't believe you deserve to have happiness (independent of how other people perceive happiness)

“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Positive Living Perspectives

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Take That Chance

Nov 04, 2022

Go For It!

Oct 28, 2022

Think You Can

Oct 21, 2022

Stay True to You

Oct 14, 2022

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