Self limiting beliefs

perspectives Oct 11, 2019

I see this quote as something that may hold us back

I learned an amazing concept from one of my mentors, Ryan Eliason, Founder & Educator for Visionary Business School:

Self-limiting beliefs are so hard to identify because

we see them as something that just is.

This is so profound to me. Somewhere, we learned something that may be keeping us completely stuck from moving ahead, yet we have no idea that it is a belief that is holding us back. 

Limiting beliefs keep us stuck in some way. We have beliefs about ourselves, family, money, relationships, raising children, etc...

Limiting beliefs are directly tied to our self-identity,

therefore, tied to our ability to move forward, change, and grow. 

Let’s look at someone who has a combative attitude. This person has learned and now believes that they have to fight to be heard or fight to get what they want.  They somehow learned that fighting is their go-to. If this person goes through life having never thought about the limiting belief that they must fight for things... they will find themselves continuously in combative situations, making the negativity and combativeness persist and grow. 

If this person becomes aware of this limiting belief, they can then seek the tools to change their attitude about being combative.

They may learn other skills including: 

  • listening better
  • using words that reflect their true feelings
  • becoming more open-minded
  • looking for common ground
  • being more kind in their communication

Shining a light on these beliefs (AWARENESS) is the first step in changing and growing.

I have learned, experienced, and believe that awareness is 75% of the battle.

Not that the final 25% is easy, but without the awareness,

we have no chance of even getting to the point of working through it.