Embrace all that is...YOU

perspectives Jun 18, 2021

It’s time to stop beating ourselves up. We all have our own strengths and beauty. If this is something you are not in touch with, then it's time to see the real you.

Too often, our strengths were stifled out of us when we were young. Maybe we are social butterflies but were told we talked too much in class. Maybe we are quiet and thoughtful but people called us snobs. Maybe we are gregarious but were told to stop being loud. What if we are direct, but were told that kids should be seen and not heard? Were you told you were a difficult child, only to discover that you are just a very curious person?

There are so many things that each of us are innately good at, but if our talents and strengths have been suppressed... they have not had a chance to see the light of day. We have not been able to tap into what make us uniquely shine.

Maybe we have been too busy criticizing ourselves or we are too insecure to let our talents be visible to the world. It's past time to start listening to our REAL voice. To get in touch with the 'us' we were before life got in the way and doubt consumed us. 

When you become aware of what your inner-voice is telling you...  

Ask yourself: 

  • Do I spend too much time beating myself up?
  • Am I holding onto old criticism from the past? 
  • Am I repeating negative behaviors that I need to let go of? 
  • Do I inherently make excuses to turn down new opportunities?
  • Am I criticizing myself based on who others think I "should" be?

Once you answer these questions, you can get closer to the personality traits and strengths that make you special. 

The next step is to name your strengths. What do you believe are your good qualities? What do you respect in others that you may actually see in yourself?  If you need help, ask a trusted friend. What do they say about you? 

Embrace all that is you!